
If you’re experiencing issues with Alexa reminders not working, there’s no need to panic. This article offers easy and effective fixes to get your reminders back on track.

Some common reasons for these issues include phone settings that prevent notifications, missed reminders that can be checked with Alexa, and interference from third-party apps.

By following the troubleshooting steps and adjusting settings in the Alexa app, you’ll be able to resolve these problems and ensure that your reminders work smoothly.

Reasons Why Alexa Reminders May Not Work

Phone settings may prevent notifications from Alexa, so it is important to check and adjust these settings if Alexa reminders are not working.

Sometimes, the phone’s notification settings may be blocking notifications from Alexa, causing the reminders to not come through. By reviewing and enabling the necessary notification settings in the phone’s application settings, users can ensure that they receive the reminders as intended.

Additionally, disabling any third-party apps that may interfere with notifications can also help resolve the issue. It is also crucial to check if the phone is in battery saver mode, as this mode can sometimes restrict notifications.

Phone Settings Preventing Notifications From Alexa

Device settings on the phone may prevent notifications from being received from Alexa. If the phone settings are not properly configured, it can cause issues with receiving reminders from Alexa.

To fix this problem, users should first check the notification settings on their phone’s application settings. It is important to review and enable the necessary permissions for notifications. Additionally, users should ensure that any third-party apps that may interfere with notifications are disabled.

Another potential issue could be the phone’s battery saver mode, which can restrict notifications. Users should resolve any battery saver mode issues to ensure that all necessary notification settings are turned on.

Checking Missed Reminders With Alexa

Users can easily check for missed reminders by asking Alexa or looking for a yellow light or notification on their Echo device. If a reminder is missed, Alexa will provide a verbal notification and the Echo device will display a yellow light.

Additionally, users can check for missed reminders through the Alexa app. To do this, they can open the app and navigate to the ‘Reminders & Alarms’ section. If there are any missed reminders, they will be clearly displayed.

It is important to note that third-party apps may interfere with reminder notifications, so users should ensure that these apps are not causing any issues.

Yellow Light or Notification Indicating Missed Reminder

When a reminder is missed, a yellow light or notification will appear on the Echo device, indicating that the reminder was not acknowledged. This serves as a visual cue for the user that there is an outstanding reminder that needs attention.

The yellow light is easy to spot and draws the user’s attention to the fact that they have missed a reminder. Additionally, a notification may also appear on the Echo device’s screen or through the Alexa app on the user’s phone. This ensures that the user is aware of the missed reminder even if they are not in the vicinity of the Echo device.

Receiving Reminder Notifications Through the Alexa App

By accessing the settings in the Alexa app, users can check and adjust their notification preferences for receiving reminder notifications.

The Alexa app provides a convenient way for users to manage their reminders and ensure they receive notifications for them.

Within the app, users can navigate to the settings menu and locate the notification preferences section. From there, they can enable or disable reminder notifications, as well as customize the sound or volume settings for these notifications.

Additionally, users can choose to receive reminder notifications on their Echo devices, their mobile devices, or both.

Interference From Third-Party Apps With Reminder Notifications

Third-party apps can disrupt the delivery of reminder notifications, causing interference with the functionality of Alexa. These apps, installed on the user’s phone or connected devices, may override or block the notifications sent by Alexa. This can lead to missed reminders and frustration for the user.

To fix this issue, it is recommended to review and adjust the notification settings on the phone. Users should review the notification settings in the phone’s application settings and ensure that all necessary notification settings are turned on. Additionally, users should disable any third-party apps that may interfere with the notifications.

Troubleshooting Steps for Alexa Reminder Issues

Users can resolve issues with Alexa reminders by following troubleshooting steps provided in the Alexa app. These steps include:

  • Checking and adjusting settings in the app, such as verifying phone time and date settings and ensuring the default volume is set correctly.
  • Checking notification settings on their phone, reviewing the notification settings in the phone’s application settings and opening permission settings to enable notifications.
  • Disabling any third-party apps that may interfere with notifications and resolving any issues caused by battery saver mode.

If the problem persists, users can try:

  • Making new reminders or changing existing ones.
  • Power cycling the system.
  • Waiting for the set time to verify if reminders work.

Adjusting Settings in the Alexa App

Adjusting settings in the Alexa app is a straightforward process that can help resolve issues with reminder notifications. By accessing the device settings in the Alexa app, users can easily select the specific Echo Dot with reminder issues and make necessary adjustments.

One important setting to check is the volume settings for timers, alarms, and reminders, as ensuring the correct default volume is set can prevent missed notifications. Additionally, users can change app permissions for volume control to further troubleshoot any notification problems.

It is also recommended to verify the phone’s time and date settings to ensure accuracy. By following these steps and making necessary adjustments, users can effectively resolve issues with reminder notifications on their Alexa devices.